
Tuesday, 7 February 2012

The world of Blogging.

So, for our first lecture of this new unit, we looked and some photography blogs, as research and inspiration for our own. There is such a variety of great blogs out there but here is a selection of the ones we looked at.

Blogging is a vital interactive medium, it enables you to exhibit yourself to a world wide audience, keep up to date with the rest of the imaging community, it also provides a platform for galleries to virally promote artists and exhibitions for free rather than traditional press releases. Vitally, for young, under graduate photographer like myself, it can provide a life line, by submitting your work out there, you can start to build networks and a future for yourself.

One of my favourite online magazine blogs, is Ballad Of, it's independently run an bi annually published magazine and online exhibition space for brand new emerging artist by two post graduate photography students. You can submit your own work as well as networking and collaborating with other artists.

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